In this page...
WhatsApp & SMS Reminders
E-mail Reminders
IVR Reminders
Automatic Reminders
Bulk Messages
WhatsApp & SMS
To send WhatsApp & SMS Reminders
Click on the Collect menu.
Then click on the Overdue tile.
After that, click on the Detailed Summary button or the Ageing Summary button.
Under the Action column, you can see the WhatsApp and SMS buttons that can be used to send manual reminders.
A link along with a customized message is sent in WhatsApp and SMS reminders.
The link can be used to get the
Invoice level breakup of the overdue amount
Check & download invoices
Check & download ledger
Check & download quotations
Raise dispute on invoices
Raise dispute on the ledger
Acknowledge invoices
See early payment offers, and
Communication history
E-mail is sent to the customer when the debtor raises a dispute on any invoice or ledger. The customer’s team can connect with the debtor to resolve the dispute at the earliest.
To send E-mail Reminders
Click on the Collect menu.
Then click on the Overdue tile.
After that, click on the Detailed Summary button or the Ageing Summary button.
Under the Action column, you can see the E-mail button that is used to send manual reminders.
E-mail reminder includes a table with the invoice level breakup of the overdue amount and includes all the invoices and ledger for that debtor in 2 PDF attachments.
It also includes a breakup table showing Incentives that can be applied to different invoices to encourage debtors to pay early.
You can click on the preview button at the bottom to see how the mail looks.
To send IVR Reminders
Click on the Collect menu.
Then click on the Overdue tile.
After that, click on the Detailed Summary button or the Ageing Summary button.
Under the Action column, you can see the IVR button that is used to send manual reminders.
IVR reminder is sent on the phone number entered. If the customer doesn’t answer the IVR, we make another 2 attempts (total 3 attempts), and also an SMS is sent with the total overdue balance amount.
IVR is currently available in English & Hindi
Automatic Reminders
To set up Automatic Reminders
Click on the Collect menu.
Then click on the Overdue tile.
After that, click on the Detailed Summary button or the Ageing Summary button.
In the right-most corner, you will see an Edit Contact Icon.
Click on the Icon.
You can then set automated reminders for the debtors.
Automated reminders are sent at 10 A.M. on any day based on the frequency-wise or date-wise reminders set. Date-wise reminders are useful in cases when the debtor normally clears his dues on particular dates of the month.
Bulk Messages