To send IVR Reminders in web application

Login with your registered details in web app -

Step 1 : Click on the Collect menu

Step 2 : Then click on the Overdue title as shown in image

Step 3 : Click on the Detailed Summary button or the Ageing Summary Tab right below overdue tab

Step 4 : Under the Action column, you can see the IVR button that is used to send manual reminders


IVR reminder is sent on the phone number entered, which is either captured from Tally or manually you can set the contact details.

If the customer does not answer the IVR, we make another 2 attempts (total 3 attempts), and also an SMS is sent with the total overdue balance amount.


Note : Each IVR will consume credit points

IVR is currently available in English & Hindi (The IVR number announcement will be in English. ?)