CredFlow desktop application is used to sync your data from accounting software and show on CredFlow Mobile or Web application. CredFlow desktop application is must to be used in the sytem where Tally/ Busy software is installed

Where your CredFlow desktop application should be installed

  1. Desktop application should be used in the Admin System
  2. If Tally/Busy is on server then CredFlow dekstop application should be installed in the server system (admin specifically)
  3. In case of multi user Tally/Busy, desktop application should be on main system
  4. In case of Tally on cloud, desktop application should be on cloud

How to Install CredFlow Desktop Application 

Step 1 : Go to, on Chrome in you personal computer (server/cloud)

Step 2 : Download application from the below link option

Busy desktop application in case of Busy and Tally desktop application in the case of Tally

Step 3 : Follow the steps of installation on system

Note: this is a one time process and not required to be repeated, unless update is requires

CredFlow desktop application should run in background and can be checked on the bottom right hand side of taskbar

If closed required to be started again to keep the synchro

nization functionality working